Barbara Mullen, whose modeling career soared in the 1950s and then crashed after an indiscretion that made her a key character in my industry expose, Model, has died at age 96. The New York Times obituary by Alex Williams properly highlights her career accomplishments. But “Ms. Mullen did not achieve name-brand recognition outside industry circles,” Williams writes, ascribing that to her unconventional looks. Model details how a brief fling with her agent, Jerry Ford, led his wife and Ford Agency co-founder Eileen Ford to the greatest personal crisis in the early days of her reign as the moral exemplar of the fashion modeling business–and what Mullen came to believe was her abrupt decline in the industry. That story is part of the reason the book is sub-titled “The Ugly Business of Beautiful Women.” The photo by Nina Leen of Eileen Ford mending the hem of Mullen’s dress appears in the book. It took a few years after Model was published before Ford spoke to me again, but Jerry didn’t seem terribly unhappy about the revelation.