Will Discovery Land Company, whose founder Mike Meldman is most famous for the tequila brand he started with George Clooney and Rande Gerber, successfully update the gated community? They’re about to try that in Hobe Sound, where the Jupiter Island Club once set the gold standard–and the inappropriate were expelled (though the black cashmere sweaters dispatched by the island’s doyenne Permelia Reed to the unwanted were apocyrphal). Read about latter-day gated-fun-park fans like Tiger Woods, Justin Timberlake, Tom Brady, Ben Affleck, Bill Gates, Patricia Hearst, and Sam Bankman-Fried in my story in “Heaven Can Wait,” in the new Palmer Vol. 5 (out today), on Atlantic Fields in Hobe Sound, Atlantic Beach on Jupiter Island, Albany in the Bahamas, and other closed communities most of us will never see by clicking here.