Galleycat,’s book blog, reports on the very latest goings-on at 740 Park Avenue — divorce! undivorce! death! alleged securities fraud! — and asks for a sequel. Wait for the paperback, why don’tcha??
— “Interesting Elevator Conversations, I’m Sure,” mediabistro: Galleycat, Noember 29, 2005
UPDATE: On December 1, Israel Englander of 740 Park settled a case with the Securities and Exchange Commission, agreeing that his firm, Millenium Partners, would pay fines of $180 million and Englander personally would pay $30 million for engaging in a scheme to trade in and out of mutual funds. Englander, appropriately enough, owns the apartment first occupied by Landon Ketchum Thorne, a legendary financier of the 1920s, whose own stock market machinations helped inspire the creation of the SEC. Thorne, however, never had to cough up any cash, let alone a cache this big. “Hedge Fund Settles Trade Case,” The New York Times, December 2, 2005